10 Brilliant Ways to Organize Your Bathroom

Organizing your bathroom doesn’t have to be an expensive or difficult task. Get creative and organize your bathroom artfully with these clever storage solutions that you can make yourself for cheap!

In the following, you’ll find ways to store towels, toilet paper, makeup, and other essential items that will in the process create more space and make your bathroom looking beautiful and clutter-free.

1. PVC Pipe Hair Dryer Holder

PVC Pipe Hair Dryer and Straightener Organizervia Once Upon a Family

Make your own affordable hair styling tool stand out of PVC pipe. It’s super easy, and it’s functional.

2. Mason Jar Organizer

Mason Jar Organizervia Skinny Meg

Use your vertical space for storage. Hang up mason jars to store little items, like cotton balls, makeup brushes, and anything else you want to grab quickly.

3. Over the Door Storage

Over the Door Storagevia Martha Stewart

Install hooks or towel rods on the back of your bathroom door to hang towels and robes.

4. Use Baskets as Shelves

Use Baskets as Shelvesvia The Kim Six Fix

Another way to take advantage of vertical space is by hanging baskets on the wall above the toilet or tub and using them to store towels and other bathroom necessities.

5. DIY Magnetic Makeup Board

Magnetic Makeup Boardvia A Little Alana

To make your own magnetic makeup board, you’ll need: a piece of sheet metal, decorative wallpaper or fabric, a frame, glue, round ceramic magnets. Get the full instructions here.

6. Toilet Paper Storage

Toilet Paper Storagevia Cool DIY Ideas

A big magazine holder can be used to store a good amount of spare toilet paper rolls.

7. 2-Minute Bathroom Organization

2-Minute Bathroom Organizationvia Sprwmn

Add a magnetic strip to the inside of your bathroom cupboard and never lose a bobby pin again! It’s also a great way to store tools like tweezers, scissors and nail clippers.

8. Use a Silverware Organizer as a Toothbrush Holder

Use a Silverware Organizer as a Toothbrush Holdervia Little Penelope Lane

Great idea to get toothbrushes off of the bathroom counter & probably easier to clean than a traditional toothbrush holder.

9. Over The Door Shelf

Over The Door Shelfvia My Chocolate Moments

Install a shelf above the door to make use of the extra space overhead.

10. Shoe Organizer

Shoe Organizervia Creationsguyloup

Hang a shoe organizer on the door to your bathroom and use it for toiletries.

We hope these ideas help you get your bathroom in order and looking great!

10 Brilliant Ways to Organize Your Bathroom

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