5 Ways to Use Eggshells in The Garden

5 Ways to Use Eggshells in The Garden

Eggshells have so many benefits when it comes to gardening, so next time you cook some eggs, don’t toss your eggshells in the trash. Instead, use them in the garden.

Here are 5 wonderful ways to use eggshells in your garden:

1. Pest Control

Pest-DeterrentPhoto via The Little Green Homemaker

Crush the eggshells and place them on the soil around the plants. The sharp edges cut the slugs foot and so they stay away from your plants.

2. Eggshell Seed Starters

Eggshell Seed StartersPhoto via 17 Apart

Eggshells are perfect for starting seeds, because they are biodegradable, so you can transplant them directly into the ground.

3. Add Eggshells to the Compost Pile

Add Eggshells to the Compost PilePhoto via Pixabay

They break down nicely and will give your future soil a boost of necessary calcium that will make your plants grow stronger and healthier.

4. Prevent Blossom End Rot

Prevent Blossom End RotPhoto via Ann’s Green Garden

To prevent blossom end rot in tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, place crushed eggshells in the hole you dig to plant your vegetables or to the bottom of your container before planting.

5. Eggshells for Birds

Bird feedPhoto via Pixabay

If you love to attract birds to your garden then this idea will make you smile. You can crush up eggshells and add it to the bird feed to help your feathered friends stay strong and healthy during the chilly winter season. Just make sure you boil the eggshells well before adding to bird food to prevent the spread of disease.

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