20 Gardening Tips and Clever Ideas That Every Gardener Should Know

From improving garden soil using recycled kitchen waste to preventing animals from getting into your garden, here’s a list of 20 clever tips and tricks to make gardening easier and more fun. Great for anyone who has green fingers and even better for those who don’t!

20 Gardening Tips and Clever Ideas That Every Gardener Should Know

1. Grow Seedlings in a Lemon Peel Instead of the Classic Pot

Grow seedlings in a lemon peel instead of pot

The peel will compost into the soil, adding nutrients to the plants as they grow. (via My Roman Apartment)

2. Plastic Fork Protector

Put plastic forks in the soil to prevent animals from getting into your garden

Prevent animals from getting into your garden by strategically placing plastic forks in the soil. (via Hawaii Gardening)

3. Packing Peanuts = Light Pots and Less Soil

Use packing peanuts in the bottom of your large pots to make them lighter and easier to move around

Use packing peanuts in the bottom of your large pots to improve drainage and make them lighter and easier to move around. (via The Gardening Cook)

4. Epsom Salt Works Great for Fertilizing Plants

Epsom salt works great for fertilizing plants

Using epsom salt for plants is a natural and cost efficient way to give them that extra boost to help your plants thrive. (via TomatoDirt)

5. Keep Houseplants from Leaking Dirt with Coffee Filters

Use coffee filters to keep soil from leaking out of the bottom of pots

The coffee filter will allow water to pass through but not soil. (via Craftaholics Anonymous)

6. A Simple Seed Viability Test

How To Test Old Seeds for Viability

Have seeds left over from past seasons, and not sure if they’re still good? To test your old seeds, put some between wet paper towels and see if they sprout. When in doubt, buy fresh seeds. (via Today’s Homeowner)

7. Feeding Plants with Milk

Feeding Plants with Milk

Using milk during the growing season can help add calcium to the soil and help prevent blossom-end rot. (via Gardening Know How)

8. Sprinkle Egg Shells Around Your Plants

Sprinkle Eggshells Around Your Plants

Crushed egg shells add valuable nutrients to soil, and deter pests from harming your plants. (via Seeds Now)

9. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea For Fungus

Soaking seeds in cooled chamomile tea before planting helps them to germinate and prevents fungus. (via Sanctuary Gardener)

10. Growing Roses

Growing Roses

Here is a great tip for growing propagate roses by sticking them into potatoes. Potatoes help to keep the rose cuttings moist as the roots beging to develop and this helps the roses to grow healthier. (via Amateur Gardening)

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